I'm pretty new to the quilting world and when I really started getting into it last year, I suppose I developed more of an appreciation of quilts in general; suddenly I remembered a quilt that I received as a Graduation gift. At some point I was able to move the fish tank off from the top of my cedar chest to retrieve the quilt. Something that someone put so much time and effort into should not be in my cedar chest, it should at least be in the linen closet where I can easily pull it out on a chilly day. So, I successfully moved the full-of-water fish tank, opened the cedar chest, and imagine my surprise when I did not see the quilt in there where I had assumed it was, where it
used to be.
Between 2001, when I graduated, and when I opened my cedar chest in search of the quilt, 9 years had passed, 6 moves had taken place, and I had shared a living space with 3 different people (excluding my husband and kids). I started with my parents - neither one of which had recalled the quilt being left at their house. I emailed my former roommates - neither one of which
think my quilt somehow ended up with their things, but they'd keep an eye out, or some of their stuff is in storage, etc.
When we moved in May, I was diligent in checking every box that was still in our garage from our previous move (yeah...no comment, please) and the quilt was not there anywhere. A couple of months ago I was at my in-law's house and they had recently emptied their storage unit onto their back patio and I inquired about whether or not my brother in-law still had a storage unit or if the back patio included his stuff as well. He still has stuff in storage and, since my husband and I lived with him on 2 separate occasions, I guess that is my last hope for the quilt. My mother in-law said they'd keep their eye out
in the house and then I just need to make sure my brother in-law will check once his stuff comes out of storage.
That is my last hope, otherwise, I have no idea what happened to that quilt. I'm sort of heartbroken about it and mad at myself for letting it get away.
Has anything like this ever happened to you, with a quilt or something else?